Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who to INVITE?

As I have not received an invite to the Royal Wedding yet, I must be a "B" lister. I have some quick hints at developing your list.

I have been helping my niece with her wedding and that can be quite the task at times. One of the lengthy discussions we have had is 'who to invite?' We have a very large family that easily puts the guest list at 100, that's without adding in any family friends or the Grooms list. My niece could not see why all these people should be invited. She envisions are smaller, more intimate event. So we/she started laying the ground rules.

First we created an "A" list. These are the people closest to the Bride and Groom, next comes the "B" list, the people we will invite after RSVP's come back and we still have space. Now don't be offended by the idea of two lists. Part if the decision process is relationship to the Bride and Groom and of course the dreaded budget. So, its a matter of practicality. The "A" list invites went out about 8 weeks before the date. The average attendance is about 85%.  The "B" list invites are going out about 3 weeks before the date.

Some guidelines to live by:

1. No ex-boyfriends or girlfriends
2. No long lost family/friends
3. No heavy drinkers that get out of hand
4. No people you are on the "outs" with

Just remember, IT'S YOUR WEDDING! Have fun planning.